composed by the best! -=0 w.o.t.w / tsl 0=- for ur fucking lame m enus!where are the go od old times gone ??? i miss u!! u too????? only a few kewl guys have survived till to day!!it's a shame!!!! for a real tune conta ct me! write only 2: --== elef tsiourdis>< >>> zeppelinstr.45>>> >> 7417 pfullingen >> greets only to : all in --=0sanity0=-- all in 0-= trsi =-0 all in -=andromeda=- all in - kefrens - all in agnostic front all in =-=shining=-= all in == anarchy == all in -dual crew- all in --spaceballs-- all in dreamdealers all in --= p.m.c =-- all in == scoopex == all in >> t.e.k << all in ** supplex ** all in ** devils ** (c) w.o.t.w in 1/1993